"aid","Título principal","Código FIA","Especie","Año","Fuente Financiamiento","Aporte Fondo","Aporte Contraparte","Monto Total","Ejecutor","Región","Rubro","Proyecto:Tipo Instrumento" "122600","Understanding Interactions Between Gut Microbiota, Host Health and the Environment in Wild Carnivores Across a Human-Perturbation Gradient","1220758","General para rubro General para Subsector Otros pecuarios","2021","FONDECYT","194683000","0","194683000","Universidad de Los Lagos","Los Lagos","General para Subsector Otros pecuarios","Proyecto (PYT)" "117493","Centro de asistencia técnica a Pymes de alimentos","40026764-0","s/i especie (General para Subsector Otros pecuarios) || General para rubro General para Subsector Agrícola","2020","FIC Región del Bío Bío - Fondo Regional","115730326","17400000","133130326","Universidad San Sebastián","Bío Bío","General para Subsector Agrícola || General para Subsector Otros pecuarios || General para Subsector Agrícola || General para Subsector Otros pecuarios","Proyecto (PYT)" "118431","Balancing the costs of infection and immune response in a trans-hemispheric host: are long-distance migrants potential spreaders of emerging pathogens?","1191769","General para rubro General para Subsector Otros pecuarios","2019","FONDECYT","200876000","0","200876000","Universidad Austral de Chile","Los Ríos","General para Subsector Otros pecuarios","Proyecto (PYT)" "118381","Epidemiological impact of behavioral modification in triatomines by trypanosoma cruzi: effect of the parasite load and discrete typing units (dtus).","1180940","s/i especie (General para Subsector Otros pecuarios)","2018","FONDECYT","213301000","0","213301000","Universidad de Chile","Metropolitana","General para Subsector Otros pecuarios","Proyecto (PYT)" "118262","The role of rodents in the distribution of trichinella sp. in Chile","11170294","General para rubro General para Subsector Otros pecuarios","2017","FONDECYT","97200000","0","97200000","Universidad de Concepción","Bío Bío","General para Subsector Otros pecuarios","Proyecto (PYT)" "59682","Presence of Infectious Diseases in Wild Species: the Effect of Alien Invasive North American Mink (Neovison Vison) and the Coexistence with Stray Dogs and Cats.","1100139","s/i especie (General para Subsector Otros pecuarios)","2010","FONDECYT","98114000","0","98114000","Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello","Valparaíso","General para Subsector Otros pecuarios","Proyecto (PYT)"