
Let the environment guide our development

Let the environment guide our development

Human growth has strained the Earth's resources, but as Johan Rockstrom reminds us, our advances also give us the science to recognize this and change behavior. His research has found nine "planetary boundaries" that can guide us in protecting our planet's many overlapping ecosystems.

A simple solution to the coming phosphorus crisis

A simple solution to the coming phosphorus crisis

Biologist Mohamed Hijri brings to light a farming crisis no one is talking about: We are running out of phosphorus, an essential element that's a key component of DNA and the basis of cellular communication. All roads of this crisis lead back to how we farm — with chemical fertilizers chock-full of the element, which plants are not efficient at absorbing. One solution? Perhaps … a microscopic mushroom. (Filmed at TEDxUdeM.)

Why not eat insects?

Why not eat insects?

Marcel Dicke makes an appetizing case for adding insects to everyone's diet. His message to squeamish chefs and foodies: delicacies like locusts and caterpillars compete with meat in flavor, nutrition and eco-friendliness.

What's wrong with our food system

What's wrong with our food system

At a TEDx event, 11-year-old Birke Baehr presents his take on a major source of our food — far-away and less-than-picturesque industrial farms. Keeping farms out of sight promotes a rosy, unreal picture of big-box agriculture, he argues, as he outlines the case to green and localize food production.

Crop insurance, an idea worth seeding

Crop insurance, an idea worth seeding

Across sub-Saharan Africa, small farmers are the bedrock of national and regional economies—unless the weather proves unpredictable and their crops fail. The solution is insurance, at a vast, continental scale, and at a very low, affordable cost. Rose Goslinga and the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture pioneered an unconventional way to give farmers whose crops fail early a second chance at a growing season.

The other inconvenient truth

The other inconvenient truth

A skyrocketing demand for food means that agriculture has become the largest driver of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental destruction. Jonathan Foley shows why we desperately need to begin "terraculture" — farming for the whole planet.

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Opia: Observatorio para la Innovación Agraria

El Observatorio para la Innovación Agraria (OPIA) es una iniciativa de la Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA), y corresponde a una red creada especialmente para compartir los conocimientos individuales que permita lograr objetivos comunes, creando una verdadera plataforma de posibilidades.

Natural pest control ... using bugs!

Natural pest control ... using bugs!

What's the difference between a pest and a bug? Shimon Steinberg makes the case for using good bugs to fight bad bugs, avoiding chemicals in our quest for perfect produce.

How we can eat our landscapes

How we can eat our landscapes

What should a community do with its unused land? Plant food, of course. With energy and humor, Pam Warhurst tells at the TEDSalon the story of how she and a growing team of volunteers came together to turn plots of unused land into communal vegetable gardens, and to change the narrative of food in their community.

How we can make crops survive without water

How we can make crops survive without water

As the world's population grows and the effects of climate change come into sharper relief, we'll have to feed more people using less arable land. Molecular biologist Jill Farrant studies a rare phenomenon that may help: "resurrection plants" — super-resilient plants that seemingly come back from the dead. Could they hold promise for growing food in our coming hotter, drier world?

Cooking as alchemy

Cooking as alchemy

Homaro Cantu and Ben Roche come from Moto, a Chicago restaurant that plays with new ways to cook and eat food. But beyond the fun and flavor-tripping, there's a serious intent: Can we use new food technology for good?

How I turned a deadly plant into a thriving business

How I turned a deadly plant into a thriving business

The water hyacinth may look like a harmless, even beautiful flowering plant — but it's actually an invasive aquatic weed that clogs waterways, stopping trade, interrupting schooling and disrupting everyday life. In this scourge, green entrepreneur Achenyo Idachaba saw opportunity. Follow her journey as she turns weeds into woven wonders.

My invention that made peace with lions

My invention that made peace with lions

In the Maasai community where Richard Turere lives with his family, cattle are all-important. But lion attacks were growing more frequent. In this short, inspiring talk, the young inventor shares the solar-powered solution he designed to safely scare the lions away.

How I fell in love with a fish

How I fell in love with a fish

Chef Dan Barber squares off with a dilemma facing many chefs today: how to keep fish on the menu. With impeccable research and deadpan humor, he chronicles his pursuit of a sustainable fish he could love, and the foodie's honeymoon he's enjoyed since discovering an outrageously delicious fish raised using a revolutionary farming method in Spain.

How to fight desertification and reverse climate change

How to fight desertification and reverse climate change

“Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert,” begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And it's happening to about two-thirds of the world’s grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos. Savory has devoted his life to stopping it. He now believes — and his work so far shows — that a surprising factor can protect grasslands and even reclaim degraded land that was once desert.

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Quinua: Un futuro sembrado hace miles de años

El año 2013 ha sido declarado como el "Año Internacional de la Quinua" (AIQ) en reconocimiento a los pueblos andinos que han mantenido.

Design with the blind in mind

Design with the blind in mind

What would a city designed for the blind be like? Chris Downey is an architect who went suddenly blind in 2008; he contrasts life in his beloved San Francisco before and after — and shows how the thoughtful designs that enhance his life now might actually make everyone's life better, sighted or not.

Chile Conectado: Los Beneficios de la Quinoa

Chile Conectado: Los Beneficios de la Quinoa

Viajamos a Victoria, región de la Araucanía para conocer a los especialistas de la Quinoa, los cuales nos explican cuales son sus principales beneficios para la salud, además de cómo cosechan la semilla, la procesan, evalúan y clasifican, elementos que se asociarán finalmente a características nutricionales y proteicas. Conoce este saludable alimento y sus diversos productos de exportación con Chile Conectado

Uso de Zeolita Natural Chilena en procesos de compostaje

Uso de Zeolita Natural Chilena en procesos de compostaje

The future of flying robots

The future of flying robots

At his lab at the University of Pennsylvania, Vijay Kumar and his team have created autonomous aerial robots inspired by honeybees. Their latest breakthrough: Precision Farming, in which swarms of robots map, reconstruct and analyze every plant and piece of fruit in an orchard, providing vital information to farmers that can help improve yields and make water management smarter.

A guerilla gardener in South Central LA

A guerilla gardener in South Central LA

Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA — in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some alternative to fast food in a community where "the drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys."

Energy from floating algae pods

Energy from floating algae pods

Call it "fuel without fossils": Jonathan Trent is working on a plan to grow new biofuel by farming micro-algae in floating offshore pods that eat wastewater from cities. Hear his team's bold vision for Project OMEGA (Offshore Membrane Enclosures for Growing Algae) and how it might power the future.

One seed at a time, protecting the future of food

One seed at a time, protecting the future of food

The wheat, corn and rice we grow today may not thrive in a future threatened by climate change. Cary Fowler takes us inside the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a vast treasury buried within a frozen mountain in Norway, that stores a diverse group of food-crop seeds ... for whatever tomorrow may bring.

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Quínoa en región de Coquimbo, zona árida de Chile (CEAZA)

A partir de un proyecto INNOVA CORFO, un grupo de investigadores asociados con comunidades agrícolas pretende reintroducir la Quinoa en el norte chico de Chile, región de Coquimbo, con propósito de alimentación humana y forraje animal.

A country with no water

A country with no water

Imagine a country with abundant power — oil and gas, sunshine, wind (and money) — but missing one key essential for life: water. Infrastructure engineer Fahad Al-Attiya talks about the unexpected ways that the small Middle Eastern nation of Qatar creates its water supply.

Fortalecimiento de la Competitividad del Kiwi Chileno

Fortalecimiento de la Competitividad del Kiwi Chileno

Ancovinto y la producción de quinua (2) Iquique TV Noticias

Ancovinto y la producción de quinua (2) Iquique TV Noticias

Este pueblo, ubicado a minutos de la frontera con Bolivia, cosecha la quinua desde tiempos ancestrale. No obstante, carecían de los medios y recursos necesarios para obtener una producción que pudiera comercializarse en el mercado formal.

The case for engineering our food

The case for engineering our food

Pamela Ronald studies the genes that make plants more resistant to disease and stress. In an eye-opening talk, she describes her decade-long quest to isolate a gene that allows rice to survive prolonged flooding. She shows how the genetic improvement of seeds saved the Hawaiian papaya crop in the 1990s — and makes the case that modern genetics is sometimes the most effective method to advance sustainable agriculture and enhance food security for our planet’s growing population.

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